Well time marches on.
Things I Should’ve Done Better has been manufactured and is on it’s way to me – well at least the CD version of it. I hope i didn’t screw anything up, I’m super happy with it!
I just mastered Songs About Russia, so now I have to assemble the artwork and get the physical copies made. Here’s the first video (of 13!):
I just finished a suite of solo guitar pieces that I hope to start performing around town. I’m calling the project The Fall Will Probably Kill You, and here’s a demo:
Since it’s been a while and I’ve done a lot, here are some more cool things:
Spiderfarts – a live sound collage collective from the mind of Peter Stopschinski and featuring some of my favorite folks:
Catalogue of Spiderfarts – April 29, 2015 at the Off Center – Part 1 from friendly ghost on Vimeo.
I was in a play! 100 Heartbreaks by Joanna Garner! I played the guitar player in the band (and the band – me, Alexander Villarreal and Robert Vignisson – got a nomination for a B. Iden Payne Award – Outstanding Featured Musical Performance!) check out some of the tunes (with me on guitar) at http://100heartbreaks.com/music/. That girl can write and sing some heartbreak for sure!
My punk band Pinkie Sworn:
Oh I did this album of psych-rock music. dunno if i’ll ever do anything more with it, so here it is on soundcloud:
I started a band with Mohadev. and so much more. this is a lot… Next Up: CD Release and then Voo Doo Deaux!