Other Projects


My college degree is in Theatre and I have a lifelong affair with that other performative art. In the 90s I served on the board of directors for Salvage Vanguard Theater here in Austin, and have since participated in a few projects.

I’ve Never Been So Happy is an original musical by the Rude Mechs that I had the honor of performing in in a variety of stagings – in Austin at the Off Center, In Washington DC at the Arena Stage, and in LA at the Kirk Douglas Theater. It was a beautiful show, and I got to play a crazy-tacular guitar solo at a pivotal moment. I love the Rude Mechs so much and this musical was the whole world to me. We got nominated for some awards and probably won some.

A few years ago, local playwright and awesome human Joanna Garner (and Director Jess Hutchinson) cast me to act, sing and play guitar in 100 Heartbreaks, which we staged in a local bar, and for which we got nominated for Best Original Score And Featured Musical Performance. It was so so fun, I wanna do it again and forever and ever.

I’m working on a one-person show with Lana Lesley. It’s going to be amazing. I am also working on a play with Flato Van Vleck himself, Karl Toft. My unfinished movie script in a desk-drawer is called Apocalypse Mall – won’t you let me know if you are interested in learning more about it? It’s stalled at the moment, but with a breath of enthusiasm, it could get finished pretty quick.

I am interested in doing music for original theater/film. Won’t you let me know if you need some?


I have a few albums on deck:

Zirque Bois d’Arc VooDoo Deux – This concept, loosely based on two of my favorite pieces of art (James Joyce’s short story Araby and D’Angelo’s album Voo Doo), is currently in production with my buddy Peter Stopschinski. It’s really gonna be something else.

Zirque Bois d’Arc I am Eric a ____ – Songs are still being crafted and assembled for this record, which is a response to Songs about Russia.

Zirque Bois d’Arc unnamed bass record – I want to do a record that features the bass in the spirit of Henri Texier. I have started writing some pieces for this.

Baby Got Bacteria untitled 2nd record – we’ve got a backlog of songs to record, and hopefully, a few new ones to write.

Zirque Bois d’Arc Beer World – Haven’t written this yet, but it’s often on my mind. You know when you walk into a party or a bar and suddenly you feel great and energized and the camaraderie and potential of the moment erases all of your current stack of worries? I am going to write soundtracks to that moment.


I am a content, marketing, and business professional with extensive experience in a variety of environments. Check out my resume if you need help!