Live Music

In 2015 I played in 15 different live acts! From Rock-N-Roll to bluegrass, avant-garde to show tunes and many stops in between. That’s a bit daunting to keep up with, so here’s a calendar and a description of some of the more common acts.

Zirque Bois d’Arc is mostly me, my solo project if you will. So far I have released a few albums of material, and I play a variety of configurations around town, solo and with collaborators.

Lick Lick is a pretty darn good band that I am always very impressed with – we rock pretty hard. Early on Matt called it Progressive Punk. 4 great records, and maybe an occasional show.

Baby Got Bacteria is an awesome party band (with alter ego Eat The Taco). We play a couple of times a year but it’s always fun! We got a Critics award for best new live act a few years back.

Wank Tribe is an experimental gesture driven shape music collective helmed by my buddy Peter Stopschinksi. We have a record out, and play a few times a year.

Fence Sitters/Fence Cutters is an older band of mine – booze-fueled bluegrass of a sort. We play seldom – but it’s always a good time when we do.

Abracadabacus is mathy-rock with a few buddies. The Cave Bees is Americana rock-opera about an alligator. Amy Hackerd and I have a duo where she sings and I play some standards and show tunes. Your Face My Face is an improvised guitar duo with Mohadev. I’m making a metal band with Jimi Burdine but we don’t have a name yet. Chablis is alt-cuntry music. I get to sit-in with other bands from time to time usually one-off performances – Brown Whornet and Churchwood come to mind. I get to play in the Catalogue of Spiderfarts, which is live sound collage.