Songs About Russia Radio Lander

Songs About Russia

full release November 15, 2015

“Don’t tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass.” ― Anton Chekhov

Zirque Bois d’Arc is the alter-ego of longtime Austin, TX sideman (and occasional frontman) Eric Roach. From the 90s bluegrassy stylings of The Fencesitters, to current rock and progressive stalwarts Lick Lick and Baby Got Bacteria, Eric has been a contributing member of over 100 live acts since attending high school in Austin in the 1980s.

SAR-1-2Songs About Russia is a collection of simple songs, written by Zirque in the Spring of 2013, with spare acoustic arrangements, and performed with tight three-part harmonies. This album was recorded by Grammy-nominated producer Cisco Gilliland and features Shelly Leuzinger and Evie Gladish on harmony vocals.

If you like modern songwriting hearkening distant time and faraway places, a la Gillian Welch or Mountain Man, you will like this album.

Send me your mailing address, and I’ll send you a copy!

Dual Record Release December 13!

Track List: (recommended)
1. Passing Around 2:51 campfire classic about the need for a light touch
2. Russian Radio 2:24 solo guitar intro, mid tempo pulse, tight harmony
3. Gilyaks #2 2:54 lament for bygone habits, that fades into the mist
4. Lichen 2:26 mid tempo reflection on nomads
5. Kato 1:59 quick love song for Stalin’s first wife
6. Denis’ Cave 2:55 up-tempo with call response vocals and guitar solo
7. Kipchaks and Pechenegs 1:55 instrumental, with mandolin harmonies
8. New New Writing, Part 2 2:24 half gypsy flourish half poppy ballad about persecution
9. Primary Chronicle 3:41 slow-mid tempo singalong for unrequited love
10. Gagarin 1:59 quick folk tune about the first man in space’s second try
11. Fake Wedding 2:07 quick tempo waltz about American excess
12. Underground 3:30 campfire rocker, with a big build at the end
13. Yablaka 2:33 sad and lonely with a modal flare

Here’s a video:

Zirque Bois d’Arc (Eric Roach)
1008 W. Annie St.
Austin, TX 78704
(512) 497-5177
Electronic Press Kit